Yeon Chang first began her career in broadcasting as a pianist at MBC television in Seoul in 1976. For four years, she appeared regularly on TBC television on the "Midnight Serenade" program during which time her first solo recording; "Scenes of Night", was released. She went on to record a total of ten music albums, four of which were educational piano albums, while the remainder were recordings of her own compositions or her own arrangements of New Age music. In her youth, Ms. Chang began her classical piano studies in 1960 with Professor Sang Keong Yoon in Seoul, and after coming to the United States in 1982, she studied Jazz piano and orchestral arrangement from the late Maestro Johnny Robinson.
At the age of 15, she had embarked on her career as a piano teacher. Then in 1991, she published "Good Piano Teacher", and she used this text for two years on her own TV program, "Piano Kyosil" (Piano Class), on Korean-American cable television. In 1993, Ms. Chang was selected as musical director and the producer of "The Johnny Yune Show", which was produced at the ICN (International Channel Network) and KSCI Channel 18 of Los Angeles. (ICN is a cable network with ten million subscribers, which was acquired by AT&T.) The one hour bilingual live-audience Korean variety and talk show ran weekly for two and a half years. Ms Chang obtained a contract with the program, which was televised on cable in South Korea (sponsored by Hyundai Electronics on Koryeo Cable Television) as well as America. Among the many guests who have appeared on the show were the late Bob Hope, Tony Bennett, former Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan, Congressman Dan Burton, Robert Guillaume, as well as numerous other distinguished persons from Korea and other countries. The program provided an opportunity for individuals from all walks of life to share their views with the television audience, as well as serving other entertainers could perform in a multi-cultural setting. In 1994, the show was nominated for the NAMIC Awards as a musical variety program. Videos of the show are preserved in the UCLA Film & Television Archives.
In 1996, at the invitation of the KOLON Corp. of Seoul, IPAA Productions (of which Ms. Chang is director) produced "Hollywood English", a ten-hour educational English video series. In 1999, Ms. Chang established the International Performing Arts Academy (IPAA) in Los Angeles as a nonprofit educational institution for the performing arts. In January 2001, as a community service activity, IPAA held a fund-raising musical benefit program for the Hancock Park School Development Fund at the school auditorium. In January 2002, the school held a fund-raising musical benefit program for the American Red Cross Liberty Fund at the Korean Cultural Center. Since 2002, IPAA has been supporting the Ruth Moore Foundation's Annual Christmas Party held in December for underprivileged children at the LAX Marriott Hotel. From 2003 to 2006, she organized a Piano Recital, Children's Art Exhibit, and a Voice and Dance Workshop at the Tom Bradley Youth & Family Center as well as the Park LaBrea Activities Center. On April 17, 2004, IPAA held "The Cello in springtime" as an IPAA outreach musical event at the Park LaBrea Multimedia Theater. Feature in the program were cellists Bongshin Ko, professor of Cello at Cal State Fullerton; Wolfgang Lehner, professor of cello at Mainz Conservatory of Spain, and Jonathan C. Kramer, Associate Director of the Music Department at North Carolina State University and Adjunct Professor of Ethnomusicology at Duke University. On January 29, 2005, IPAA held the "Happy Birthday, Schubert Concert" as a community outreach concert at the Park LaBrea Activities Center. Featured in the program were cellist Bongshin Ko, violinist Phillip Levy, violinist Simon Oswell, double bassist Michael Valerio, and pianist Chie Nagatani. On February 27, 2005, IPAA sponsored another diversity event, "Perspectives", as a children's public speaking program at the Park LaBrea Activities Center. It was an opportunity for children to discuss a book called "Number the Stars", a Newberry Award book written by Lois Lowry.
On April 24, 2006, IPAA hosted "Tritton Ensemble & Cello Choir" as a community outreach concert at the Park LaBrea Multimedia Theater. Featured in the program were cellist Bongshin Ko, Professor of Cello at Cal State Fullerton; Wolfgang Lenher, Director of Emmanuel Feuermann Conservatory of Cello Spain, and Lee Richey, Cello Faculty, Nevada School of the Arts & College of Southern Nevada, U.S.A., with members of the Cal State Fullerton Cello Choir. IPAA also held its "1st Annual Christmas Benefit Luncheon" at the LAX Marriott Hotel on December 9, 2006, for underprivileged children. Ms. Chang's mission is to develop a "Diversity Together Program", and in this connection, since 2003 she has volunteered her time each summer on behalf of a youth arts camp serving a twelve thousand residents apartment complex located in Los Angeles. Community neighbors have recognized her steadfast and stellar work, and with her professional artist friends' assistance, with a children's musical (a simplified version of the well-known "Lion King") this past summer they have successfully developed a "Diversity Together Program" through their joint volunteer spirit.
In 2016, Ms. Chang has developed ‘The Angeles Youth Choir’ in Skid Row DTLA, the epicenter of the homeless area in the United States and she is developing a homeless youth arts program and after-school tutoring program in the downtown Los Angeles community.
장연희 대표 경력
클래식 피아노-윤남경, 윤상경교수 사사 재즈, 오케스트레이션 편곡-자니 로빈슨 사사 피아니스트로 MBC 텔레비전 클래식 프로그램 피아니스트 데뷰 TBC 텔레비전 “한밤의 소야곡” 편곡자이며 피아니스트(4년동안 960회 진행) 열장의 뉴에이지 피아노 솔로 앨범과 교육용 앨범 출반 (한국음반, 지구레코드사, 서울음반) CMC 학원 운영 (로스엔젤레스 지역/저소득 청소년 영어와 음악 교육) KATV, 한미방송국, 텔레비전 피아노 교육 프로그램 진행자이며 프로듀서 (피아노 교본 Good Piano Teacher, 저자) “자니 윤 쇼” (책임 프로듀서와 음악감독), KSCI방송국(L.A.) & ICN (N.Y.) - 2년6개월 김수현 작가의 한국드라마 “작별”외, “춘향전”등. 한국 전통 사극 드라마를 미주 전지역 방영 유통망 구죽 재즈, 팝 KSCI/ICN하우스 밴드 리더로서, “자니윤쇼”, “나믹 어워드” 음악부분 노미네읻 도나서머의 음악감독 마이클 해나를 도입하여 “아리랑”, “도라지”등의 한국 민요를 재즈, 팝으로 편곡, 연주하여 한국 전통음악 텔레비전 프로그램을 통하여 해외 보급 미국 KSCI 텔레비전과 SBS 텔레비전 합작-차성모, 장연희 공동 책임프로듀서로 “크리스마스 스페셜” 공동제작 Los Angeles, International Performing Arts Academy, IPAA, 코드, 501 (c)(3) 비영리 교육 단체 설립 -1999년 청소년 예술 교육 프로그램 ‘체스터 위트모어, 스윙 워크샾’, “토마스 패닉의 스피치 캠프’와 ‘디니 클락 재즈 보이스 프로그램’을 주관 IPAA, Ruth Moor Foundation과 함께하는 “불우 아동을 위한 크리스마스 파티 만들어주기”, “100인의 첼리스트” 공동 프로듀스 (“버나드 그린 하우스 재단”과 “굳 네이버스 USA” 자선 행사) 2016년, 홈레스 청소년 “The Angeles Youth Choir” 교실 | Copyright 2020 Yeon Chang All Rights Reserved